Tag Archives: Social Media AD Sizes

Social Media AD Sizes 2

In this post, we'll discuss Twitter and Google+ for Social Media AD Sizes 2:

Twitter account header an profile photo: Profile Photo: 400x400 pixels upload; it will show at 200x200 Twitter doesn't state a pixel size for tweets. Nonetheless, 1024 wide and 512 high will give you a lot of space. Logos: Standard , 100 wide x 60 high, Square 50 x 50

Google+ Cover  photo can be 480 wide x 270 high, recommended: 1080 wide x 608 high, max is 2120 x1192. Profile photo can be 250 x 250 but a larger size is recommended.imgres images

NOTE: These are the basics. Other formats can be used with a range of pixel sizes. Check the site for their requirements.

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