Tag Archives: Book Marketing

Social Media AD Sizes 2

In this post, we'll discuss Twitter and Google+ for Social Media AD Sizes 2:

Twitter account header an profile photo: Profile Photo: 400x400 pixels upload; it will show at 200x200 Twitter doesn't state a pixel size for tweets. Nonetheless, 1024 wide and 512 high will give you a lot of space. Logos: Standard , 100 wide x 60 high, Square 50 x 50

Google+ Cover  photo can be 480 wide x 270 high, recommended: 1080 wide x 608 high, max is 2120 x1192. Profile photo can be 250 x 250 but a larger size is recommended.imgres images

NOTE: These are the basics. Other formats can be used with a range of pixel sizes. Check the site for their requirements.

If you find this blog useful, please add me to your social media sites and share. Thanks, Dameon



Cover Artist 5

Brian C. Hailes is my Cover Artist 5. He has worked as a professional illustrator, designer, author and commission artist for fifteen years, and has received numerous awards for his art from across the country, including Winner of the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future contest out of Hollywood. He has written and illustrated two graphic novels, entitled Dragon's Gait and Devil's Triangle. Other titles he has illustrated include Passion & Spirit: The Dance Quote Book, Continuum (Arcana Studios), as well as McKenna, McKenna, Ready to Fly, and the 2015 Girl of the Year ebook, Grace & Sylvie (American Girl). His work can be seen at www.HailesArt.com

Blink by BC Hailes_screen Continuum A_Hailes Devil's Triangle OGN_cover_web Heroic_front cover


Social Media AD Sizes 1

facebook-793049_640Having trouble getting your photos sized for your different platforms? There's a lot of information and I'll split the blog posts by platform. It's frustrating, but once you get the hang of it, it goes smoothly. This post, Social Media AD Sizes 1 is dedicated to Facebook.

  • Cover Photo:        851 pixels wide by 315 pixels tall. Your profile photo, name, category and interaction buttons will cover areas of the photo
  • Ad images:           Facebook objectives: 1,200 pixels wide - 444 pixels high for page likes, etc - 675 pixels for video - 900 pixels for Page post - 628 pixels for all other objectives
  • For Carousel       3 to 5 images with clicks to website - 600 x 600 pixels

Keep in mind the Facebook chat for Ad Help is quite good and responsive.


Cover Artist - 4

Continuing in art with Cover Artist - 4 by Joshua Jadon. Joshua states, "I am a passionate Graphic Designer that focuses on delivering professional work to my clients all over the globe. I started drawing at the age of 6 years old which later evolved into designing graphics." Joshua's website is located here: JoshuaJadon.com







Way of the Warrior: Conduct

Art Work by Eric Guerrero
Art Work by Eric Guerrero

Interesting fact: The longest bronze-age sword measured out at seventeen inches. Longer swords used on foot left the  warrior open to attack in close quarters.  DC

Way of the Warrior
: Code of Conduct  (Author Unknown)

Way of the Warrior: Content - If these sound like the Boy Scout Rules of Conduct, you wouldn't be far wrong. If the warrior in your novel has no flaws, he or she wouldn't be very interesting. Bring depth to your character by giving the warrior failings to overcome. While the warrior may strive to improve, he or she may not. DC


Be acutely honest throughout your dealings with all people. Believe in justice, not from other people, but from yourself. To the true Warrior, there are no shades of gray in the question of honesty and justice. There is only right and wrong.


A Warrior has no reason to be cruel. They do not need to prove their strength. A Warrior is courteous even to his enemies. Without this outward show of respect, we are nothing more than animals.


Rise up above the masses of people who are afraid to act. Hiding like a turtle in a shell is not living at all. A Warrior must have heroic courage. It is absolutely risky, It is dangerous. It is living life completely, fully, and wonderfully. Heroic courage is not blind; it is intelligent and strong.


A true Warrior has only one judge of honor, and this is himself. Decisions you make and how these decisions are carried out are a reflection of whom you truly are. You cannot hide from yourself.


Through intense training the Warrior becomes quick and strong. He is not as other men. He develops a power that must be used for the good of all. He has compassion. He helps his fellow man at every opportunity. If an opportunity does not arise, he goes out of his way to find one.


When a Warrior has said he will perform an action, it is as good as done. Nothing will stop him from completing what he has said he will do. He does not have to "give his word." He does not have to "promise."


For the Warrior, having done some "thing" or said some "thing," he knows he owns that "thing." He is responsible for it, and all the consequences that follow. A Warrior is immensely loyal to those in his care; to those he is responsible for, he remains fiercely true.


Cover Artists Series - 1

Cover Artists Series - 1

I've often seen posts on various social media asking for advice on getting a book cover done. I will showcase artists who will produce a cover for up to $700.00, as this artist will do. Some artist charge less. The main purpose of these posts is to show artists' work in different price ranges so the writer might make an informed decision on what is available to them within their budget.

The first artist is Trevor Smith. (Trevorsmithart.com)  He is an award winning artist, highly educated in art and who not only does book covers using 100% digital techniques, but is also a Fine Artist specializing in nature and landscapes, although those pieces cost much more.

Trevor did not do my covers.

As always, it's my desire that this series will provide value to my fellow authors. Dameon

Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith
Trevor Smith


These tend to be on the dark side of books. Of course, Trevor can be light and airy depending on what is needed.


Tips for Writers - Biggest Mistakes on Amazon

These are a few comments to help market your book on Amazon. Short, and I hope, sweet Tips for Writers.

  • You need an Author's Page, Amazon Author Central.
    • Get your own Author URL
    • Bring in Twitter
    • RSS Feeds
    • Update your bio and your picture
  • Describe your book
    • Use Keywords and phrases a reader might search on
    • Keep it a blurb on your book, not other things like reviews.
  • Reviews
    • Don't hide your reviews where they don't belong, like in your book blurb
    • Use the Review section of your Author Central page
  • Let readers see your work
    • In a book store, you can leaf through a book, use the search option for that purpose on Amazon
    • Don't overlook this selling technique, - it works
  • Get real reviews
    • Don't use a poorly written review, use pro quality
    • The friends' and families' ultra short reviews don't get it done


