Tag Archives: Pictures

Social Media AD Sizes 2

In this post, we'll discuss Twitter and Google+ for Social Media AD Sizes 2:

Twitter account header an profile photo: Profile Photo: 400x400 pixels upload; it will show at 200x200 Twitter doesn't state a pixel size for tweets. Nonetheless, 1024 wide and 512 high will give you a lot of space. Logos: Standard , 100 wide x 60 high, Square 50 x 50

Google+ Cover  photo can be 480 wide x 270 high, recommended: 1080 wide x 608 high, max is 2120 x1192. Profile photo can be 250 x 250 but a larger size is recommended.imgres images

NOTE: These are the basics. Other formats can be used with a range of pixel sizes. Check the site for their requirements.

If you find this blog useful, please add me to your social media sites and share. Thanks, Dameon



Cover Artist - 2

Cover Artist - 2 is Jeff Brown, a digital artist specializing in environment paintings. He is a full-time freelancer, originally from Saskatoon, Canada. He currently lives in Cuernavaca, Mexico. He has worked for many projects in the industry such as MonstrousSettleForge, Fallen, Rhune, and Shattered.

Mr. Brown charges $200 for a quicker concept picture and $450 for a detailed cover. The pictures posted here are copyrighted by Mr. Brown. You can connect Mr. Brown through his website: www.jeffbrowngraphics.com

The first two pictures are concept pictures and the last two are detail covers.

